Holy Waste
Making waste beautiful

HolyWaste© is a niche offering by Oorvi Sustainable Concepts Pvt Ltd., operational in Hyderabad.
HolyWaste© is a Floral Project for us! A beautiful part of the garbage world which we aim to make valuable. At HolyWaste, we infuse life into floral discards by a process that we endearingly term “FloRejuvenation” – a rejuvenation of floral trash.
The Vision
What motivated us to work with Floral Waste? And what are our objectives?
Take a look at these numbers:
~7000MT – that’s the estimated garbage Hyderabad generates every single day.
~1000MT – the flowers that come into the Hyderabad market every single day (which would also mean the similar amount being trashed the next day after use)
A gargantuan increment of flowers and leaves is seen during festival and wedding seasons. What happens to these flowers after every use should be of grave concern to all of us.
The Quest
There is no waste management practised by such floral-waste generators except hand over to the civic bodies or just leave it on the streets. There is no process currently that caters to the floral waste collected through the city. Thus this large dump ends up being part of the ever-burgeoning landfill or rots in our water bodies causing serious consequences to our environment.
HolyWaste partners with places of worship, vendors, event planners, decorators and just about anybody who generates floral waste.
Our work began in November 2018 with just one temple. We have grown the operations to 40 Temples and 2 flower vendor zones and a market zone by the end of February 2020. We are now keeping away ~ 200kgs of floral waste from the landfills and lakes every day!
The Mission

The objective of HolyWaste© is to convert such waste into eco-friendly, child-safe lifestyle products which can be put to use in our daily lives, and in this process generate employment for women in the target markets. This, thereby, gratifies the objectives of our parent firm – Oorvi Sustainable Concepts.
The collected waste is segregated, dried and further processed into earth-friendly products as a natural fertilizer, Agarbatthis, Incense cones and Soaps to begin with. HolyWaste is further working on different product possibilities with floral waste and looking for more ideas in this area.
The Operation
The initial operations began at the village community hall provided to us by the Sarpanch of Gundlapochampally to benefit the women of the locality. We have since moved to a rented premise in the same vicinity. The operations of segregating, sorting, cleaning, drying, composting and development of products currently happens from this facility.
The objective is to be able to create absolute eco-friendly, child-safe, recycled/upcycled products in a sustainable environment, empathising with and respecting the situations that come along with our stakeholders, workers and associates.
Having a zero-waste unit is our dream that we are working towards too.

How are HolyWaste products different from other products?
We are proud of the ethos we carry for this business. Our commitment to work towards providing sustainable revenue initiatives will make us stand apart. Buying our products would make you a partner in reducing the trash burden on the environment and keeping India clean. Currently, HolyWaste prevents a humble quantity of ~1000kgs/week from clogging our water bodies or rotting in the landfills! Our products are child safe, eco-friendly, free of harmful chemicals, hand-made and all this through FloRejuvenation!
Our Compost is processed naturally without any synthetic additives or catalysts. Bhoomija is a product of extreme labour. It is enriched with organic cow dung, in-house magical bio-enzymes made with the discarded flowers and is nitrogen-rich too. The product is brought to the shelf only after a processing time of 45-60 days. Good things in life sure have a waiting period!
You will see your garden smile at you with gratitude for treating her with such care as Bhoomija!

Our hand-made soaps are Paraben free, enriched with flower extracts, naturally infused oils from the flowers and cold pressed vegetable oils. Free of synthetic fragrances, natural essential oils enriched, mild, therapeutic and moisturising – these soaps are a gift for your skin and face. We have a few raving fans already who swear by the quality.
As you bathe you cannot stop admiring the petals that adorn the soap – of the beauty of what it stands for.
Our incense sticks are hand-crafted by rural women. They are charcoal free and devoid of artificial colourants, synthetic fragrances. They emanate less fumes and burns for over 45 minutes. It is enriched with natural essential oils for its therapeutic abilities. The fragrance is subtle and non-intrusive.
When you light a Vimoksh, you are transported into the realm of permanence; of the universal truth of rejuvenation.

How we help a floral waste generator

HolyWaste audits the patterns and nature of waste output from its contributors – the Floral Waste Generators (FWGs). Segregation being the major obstacle, HolyWaste helps the FWGs with drums to separate floral wastes and store until pick up day. HolyWaste then schedules the pick up after the consultation with the FWGs and brings the trash thus kept aside for us, to our facility.
We have different models for FWGs who pose different situations including setting up and managing a unit for them in their own premises.
If you are a floral waste generator or need help with managing your floral waste, please contact us immediately. We have solutions for your floral issues